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How to add DVC to a service

This guide will help you add DVC to your service.


Install DVC

You can install DVC with pip, but make sure to install with s3 optional dependencies.

pip install dvc[s3]

Initialize DVC

Now that DVC is installed we have to init it, so go to your service folder and use this command.

dvc init --subdir

The --subdir is important because we are in a monorepos

Create a bucket on Minio

Go to your MinIO server, connect with the provided credentials and use the GUI to create your bucket.

Configure DVC for Minio

dvc remote add -d myremote s3://name-of-your-bucket

dvc remote modify myremote endpointurl https://<SERVER_ADDRESS>:<PORT>

To configure your credentials for DVC do not use the dvc remote modify instead install AWS CLI.

pip install awscli

Use aws configure to add your Access Key ID and your Secret Access Key.

aws configure

Add your dataset

Modify the path for your dataset

dvc add path/data.csv

Push to DVC

dvc push

These explanations are related to the current item (in alphabetical order).


These resources are related to the current item (in alphabetical order).

None at the moment.

Last update: November 9, 2023 08:50:15